SNOWSTORM IN ATHENS: Fairytale images from the centre of the Greek capital

snow athens february 6 2023

Today could be described as a White Monday in Athens because the storm "Barbara" has been pounding the city since last night. In fact, the snowstorm has caused schools to shut down, as well as the public and private sectors.

The image from the Greek capital are beautiful.

See images from the "white" fairytale Athens:

Regarding the problems in the traffic of vehicles both in Attica and in other areas, after 9:35 the traffic was restored in both directions on the Athens-Lamia highway from the Kalyftaki junction to Oinophyta which had been suspended since 11 on Sunday night.

At 7:25 it was announced that traffic was suspended in Katehaki and in both directions in its section from Mesogeion to Eleftheriou Veinzelou in Ilioupoli, with traffic being restored at 8:14.

Meanwhile, traffic on Attiki Odos was interrupted shortly after 8:10 a.m. in its section from Kifissias to Marathon in the direction of the Airport, with traffic being fully restored at 8:49 a.m., while the exit for Karea Kaisariani on the Western Peripheral of Ymitto had opened a little earlier.

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