Greece is one of the most expensive countries for alcoholic beverages

Greece wine greek wine

In 2022, the price level for alcohol was more than two and a half times higher in the most expensive Member States compared to the cheapest, and Greece was no exception. This significant price variation is mainly due to differences in the taxation of these products.

Greece is one of the most expensive countries in Europe for alcoholic beverages, according to Eurostat data processed and analyzed by the Association of Greek Spirits Producers.

According to recent data from the European Statistical Authority (Eurostat), the prices of alcoholic beverages (alcohol, beer, wine) in 2022 Greece are at exceptionally high levels.


  • It is in 3rd place among the 27 EU Member States.
  • ranks 6th among 36 countries (including both EFTA/European Free Trade Area countries, Western Balkan countries and Turkey)

In particular, it is the third most expensive country in the EU of 27 for alcoholic beverages, with a price index of 153.3, which is 53.3% higher than the European average, which is explained by the very high VAT applicable in our country and VAT, which significantly increase the cost for the final consumer. As we have pointed out in alcoholic beverages, 51% of the final price of a typical alcoholic beverage is covered by VAT (about 1/3) and VAT.

From the table, it also appears that Greece remains relatively high compared to tourist-competitive countries such as Cyprus (with 115), France (with 100.1), Spain (with 97.8), and Italy (with 89.3 ).

The most expensive alcoholic beverage was Finland, with a price index of 214.2 (114.2% higher than the European average), followed by Ireland with a price index of 210.7, Greece in third place, and Sweden in fourth and fifth place ( with 151.8) and Denmark (with 144.6).

The lowest price levels for alcohol were recorded in Hungary at 81.8 (18% below the EU average), Austria at 83.8 (-16% of the average), and Germany at 86.9 (-13% of the standard).

READ MORE: How much whisky do Greeks drink? From old Greek movies to pan-European consumption records.

Copyright Greekcitytimes 2024