Greece laments ‘counterproductive’ Erdogan comments on Turkish holiday

Greece said on Thursday that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s comments on the 1922 Greco-Turkish War were “counterproductive” and do not help relations between the two countries.

“Hostile statements are counterproductive and do not contribute to the consolidation of the climate of calm, cooperation and dialogue that is being attempted to be built in the relations between Greece and Turkey,” the ministry said.

Speaking on the so-called “Victory Day” that commemorates Turkey’s victory in the last battle of the Greco-Turkish War, Erdogan said the Turkish army “smashed the enemy lines one by one, destroyed a significant part of the Greek occupation forces and opened the way to Izmir with the Battle of the Commander-in-Chief on August 30.”

“Fifteen days after the start of the Great Offensive, Turkish flags were flying in the skies of Izmir, which had been ravaged by the fleeing enemy,” he added.

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