This year, The Odyssey Greek Festival includes the Greek Film Festival and fifteen events by local South Australians and interstate artists. The event will feature visual art exhibitions, theatre, acclaimed Greek films, public talks, dance and live music, dinners, and workshops.
In his message to the organisers, the Premier of South Australia, Peter Malinauskas praised the Greek Orthodox Community of SA as an organisation that has “helped strengthen the multicultural fabric of our great state for the past decades”.
“From festivals, dance lessons and language classes to church services and community care for seniors, you have not only enriched our Greek community but more importantly, you have successfully instilled a sense of pride, belonging and cultural identity in our Greek sons and daughters,” Malinauskas said.
GOCSA President Peter Gardiakos said the success of the Odyssey Festival is a “testament to the resilience and strength of our community. A totem for the “sacrifices” made by “ancestors, who journeyed to this land seeking a better life while preserving their Greek traditions.”
Hellas Lucas from the GOCSA cultural committee said that this year’s Festival will focus on the flavours of Greece, with events scheduled during October and November.
The Odyssey Festival opens on Friday, October 6, from 6:30 p.m. with an exhibition at the Olympic Hall, where the winners of the Odyssey Art Prize will also be announced.
The Festival will continue with events for all ages, including an authentic Taverna Night on October 14, a Gin and Ouzo Night on October 20 and October 21, and a Dinner Show with the Greek Swing band Cats and the Canary from Melbourne.
.For a program, please visit GOCSA’s website and follow Odyssey Greek Festival on Facebook and Instagram for live updates and booking details.