Dog's Killing Unveils Alleged Involvement of Owner in Zakynthos Case

police turkey

The case of a dog being killed takes an incredible turn in Zakynthos! The unfortunate animal was shot in the yard of a house in Mouzaki, resulting in its untimely death. However, within a few hours, the developments in the case have become tumultuous.

According to ERT, the alleged perpetrator behind the killing of the unfortunate animal is none other than the woman who owned the dog!

As per the same information, the woman purportedly instructed her nephew to shoot and kill the dog, citing its alleged aggressiveness.

The 43-year-old nephew then reportedly shot and killed the unfortunate animal of his 63-year-old aunt with a shotgun.

Now, the 43-year-old is facing a charge of killing a companion animal, a felony that carries a fine ranging from 30,000 to 50,000 euros. Additionally, he is also being cited under the Weapons Act.

The 63-year-old is accused of moral complicity in the felony of killing a companion animal. Both are expected to appear at the Zakynthos prosecutor’s office at noon.