Greeks Flock to Dubai: High Holidays, Celebrity Hangouts, and Lucrative Career Opportunities

Greek's In Dubai

Dubai's skyline shimmered under the festive lights during the holidays, welcoming a surge of Greek visitors. Celebrities like Christina Bomba and Sakis Tanimanidis chose the luxurious emirate for Christmas and New Year, joining friends and family at trendy establishments like "Nammos Dubai" and "Mylos," touted as the city's finest Greek restaurant.

Giorgos Liagas, escaping his television duties, also graced the city with his presence alongside Haris Sianidis and Alexandra Panagiotarou.

But Dubai's allure extends beyond glitzy holiday hotspots for many Greeks. An estimated 10,000 have relocated to the city for better career prospects and salaries. Professionals like doctors, engineers, pilots, and chefs find themselves reaping the rewards of a booming economy, with salaries starting at €7,000 for engineers and exceeding €15,000 for some skilled professionals. This "Greek exodus" highlights the disparity in pay scales between Greece and the Middle East, drawing talent with lucrative offers that seem like a fantasy in Europe. 351240908 562075172789676 4904320344021994257 n 1080
Nammos Dubai

For those drawn to Dubai's charm but not considering permanent residency, vacations are now more accessible than ever. Low-cost airlines and diverse accommodation options make 8-day trips possible for as little as €850 per person, including flights, transfers, breakfast, and guided tours.

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