Eurostat Report: Greece Leads EU in Water Transport Employment

In 2023, water transport employed 297,000 people across the European Union, representing 0.15% of total employment for individuals aged 15-64.

Greece emerged as the leading country in this sector, with 49,200 people employed in water transport, accounting for 16.6% of the EU's total. This makes Greece the largest employer in the EU for this industry.

Italy followed closely with 41,200 individuals employed, representing 13.9% of the EU's water transport workforce. Combined, Greece and Italy accounted for nearly a third (30.5%) of the total water transport employment in the EU.

The Netherlands and Poland each employed 24,200 people, making up 8.1% each of the EU total. On the other end of the spectrum, Lithuania (2,000; 0.7%), Czechia (2,300; 0.8%), and Estonia (2,900; 1.0%) had the lowest employment figures in the sector.

Notably, the water transport workforce in the EU was predominantly male, with men comprising 79% of the sector compared to 21% women.

Read more: Greek shipping

(Source: Eurostat)

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