Australia Appoints Alison Duncan as Ambassador to Greece, Bulgaria, and Romania

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The Australian government has announced the appointment of Ms Alison Duncan as the next Ambassador to Greece. In her role, Ms Duncan will also be accredited to Bulgaria and Romania, reflecting the importance of fostering relationships and cooperation across these countries.

The bilateral ties between Australia and Greece are deeply rooted in shared values, a rich history, and strong people-to-people connections. The legacy forged during World War I and World War II has laid the foundation for a longstanding relationship. It is worth noting that nearly 500,000 Australians proudly claim Greek ancestry, making significant contributions to Australia's multicultural fabric.

Trade and investment between Australia and Greece continue to flourish. In the 2021-22 period, the two-way goods and services trade reached $2.2 billion. Australian companies have made substantial investments in Greece, particularly in the energy and infrastructure sectors, further strengthening economic ties.

Australia remains committed to working closely with Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, and other European Union member states to establish an ambitious and comprehensive trade agreement between Australia and the EU. Such an agreement would open new avenues for trade and cooperation, benefitting both regions.

Collaboration on shared interests is a key aspect of Australia's engagement with Greece, Bulgaria, and Romania. Areas of mutual concern include countering terrorism and addressing illegal people movements. Additionally, a common approach to international security issues, such as upholding the rules-based international order and advancing disarmament and non-proliferation efforts, strengthens the partnership.

Ms Alison Duncan, a seasoned diplomat and senior career officer at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, will assume the role of Ambassador. Her most recent position was Assistant Secretary of the Consular Communications and Policy Branch. Having previously served in Indonesia, New Zealand, and the Solomon Islands, Ms Duncan brings a wealth of experience and expertise to her new assignment.

The Australian government acknowledges and expresses gratitude to outgoing Ambassador Arthur Spyrou for his valuable contributions in advancing Australia's interests in Greece, Bulgaria, and Romania during his tenure since 2019.

As Ms Alison Duncan assumes her role as Ambassador, Australia looks forward to further deepening the existing bonds and exploring new opportunities for cooperation with Greece, Bulgaria, and Romania. Through diplomatic efforts and continued engagement, both countries can forge a prosperous and mutually beneficial relationship.