SQLearn and Posidonia Launch Revolutionary Online Shipping Masterclass

SQLearn announced the launch of the Posidonia Masterclass in Shipping, an innovative online training platform developed in partnership with Posidonia Exhibitions.

This groundbreaking initiative aims to transform maritime industry training, offering comprehensive insights from esteemed professionals and subject matter experts.

The Posidonia Masterclass in Shipping is designed to provide a deep understanding of the dynamic and challenging shipping industry. Thodoris Vokos, CEO of Posidonia Exhibitions, highlighted the crucial role of SQLearn's expertise in realising this project. SQLearn's CEO Spyros Goumas emphasized the company's commitment to revolutionizing maritime education by offering practical knowledge through this platform.

Targeting individuals at all levels, from newcomers to seasoned professionals, the masterclass provides a structured online course created by industry leaders. It serves as a valuable resource for corporate executives, students, and companies introducing recruits from other industries to the shipping sector.

Read more: Greek shipping

(Source: Athens24)

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