Secret VIP Party Celebrates Carole Feuerman at Athens Museum

A secret VIP party, dubbed "Sea of Love," was hosted by Ada Iliopoulou at Nyn Esti, the restaurant atop the Museum of Contemporary Art, in honour of renowned artist Carole Feuerman.

The event celebrated Feuerman's first solo exhibition at Kapopoulos Fine Arts Gallery in Kolonaki and marked her upcoming participation in the Paris Olympics 2024.

Iliopoulou, President of the French-Greek cultural movement Le Soleil Foundation, organised the exclusive gathering, highlighting Feuerman’s contributions as an executive ambassador of the foundation and a superstar of superrealism. Feuerman’s "Sea Idylls" sculptures, previously displayed on Park Avenue and now at Seaport, will be featured at the Paris Olympics, with pieces set to be installed near the Eiffel Tower and in the Olympic Village.

The reception took place at sunset, with a stunning view of the Acropolis. Special installations of Feuerman’s works, inspired by the Greek summer, adorned the venue. As Feuerman arrived with Iliopoulou, the DJ played "She’s a Rainbow" by the Rolling Stones, celebrating her past collaboration with the band.

The owners of Nyn Esti , Chris Athanasiadis and Manos Gavras with Carole FeuermanThe intimate party included about 100 guests, featuring notable figures such as Mary Fix, Irini Daifa, Isidoros Kouvelos, and Hollywood stars like Pantelis Kontogiannis and Theodore Zoumboulidis. Feuerman signed books and announced her Olympic involvement, while Iliopoulou will handle her public relations in Paris.

Theodore Zoumboulidis (Teo Alexander) known from True Blood with Eftychia Fragou
Marianna Proestou-Burdon, Eric Burdon, Carole Feuerman

A highlight of the evening was the late arrival of legendary singer Eric Burdon of The Animals, accompanied by his wife, Mariana Proestou-Burdon. Guests enjoyed a special dinner prepared by Nyn Esti’s chef, Stamatis Misomikes, as Burdon serenaded the crowd, adding a magical end to the celebration.

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