Yacht Crew Faces Arson Charges in Greek Island Fire: Captain and First Officer Detained

Greek judicial authorities have detained the captain and first officer of a yacht pending trial on charges of arson related to a forest fire on the island of Hydra. This blaze is believed to have been ignited by fireworks, according to legal sources.

Both the accused men, along with the entire crew, have denied any wrongdoing. Eleven other crew members have been released on bail under certain conditions.

Wildfires are a frequent occurrence in Greece, with their prevalence exacerbated in recent years by hotter, drier, and windier conditions linked to climate change. The country has subsequently increased penalties for arson.

The fire, suspected to have been started by fireworks, began on Friday night, consuming nearly 300,000 square meters of the island’s pine forest before firefighters were able to extinguish it early on Saturday.

The yacht, which was anchored 350 meters (383 yards) from the shore when the fire started, had all 13 Greek crew members arrested on Sunday at a marina near Athens. They were charged with initiating the blaze.

The crew maintained their innocence during a hearing with an investigating magistrate at the court of Piraeus on Wednesday.

The yacht's operator, Salaminia Yachting Limited, expressed its unwavering trust in the crew's integrity and sincerity, denying their involvement in the incident, according to a statement referenced by the Athens News Agency.

A legal source noted insufficient evidence to connect the crew to the arson, adding that the captain was the one who first alerted authorities about the fire. It was also mentioned that other yachts were present in the vicinity. The yacht's foreign passengers have since left Greece.

Witnesses reported seeing smoke and flames following 15 to 20 loud noises, akin to firework explosions, at around 10:30 p.m. (1930 GMT) on Friday, as per court documents accessed by Reuters.

One witness observed a rubber boat approaching the yacht as the fire spread swiftly, and later noticed a fire extinguisher on the yacht’s rear.

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