Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has held talks with Cuba’s President Raúl Castro whilst on an official visit to the country to attend the funeral of Fidel Castro which took place on Tuesday.
According to government sources both leaders discussed Greece’s role in Europe and the region and particularly EU and Cuba relations ahead of the upcoming EU-Cuba agreement.
Tsipras had further meetings on the sidelines of his visit to Cuba, with other South American leaders including Nicaragua’s recently re-elected President Daniel Ortega, Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa, Bolivian President Evo Morales and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto.
Most leaders invited the Greek PM to visit their respective countries as an opportunity to chance to have in-depth talks on EU-Latin American issues.
The Greek PM received invitations to visit Nicaragua, Bolivia and Mexico and importantly had an opportunity to speak at length with Mexico’s president, and discussed the new landscape emerging in America and the world after the election of Donald Trump.