Extravagant million dollar Indian wedding in the heart of Athens


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A wealthy Indian couple from London and Nigeria chose Athens as the destination for the celebration of their big day, which has become the largest wedding Greece’s capital city has seen in decades.

Over 500 guests, wearing traditional costumes arrived at the beautifully styled Zappeion Mansion, where guests were greeted by ladies dressed as Greek goddesses.

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Most of the couple’s family and friends arrived on the red train, which normally hosts tourists around the capital’s landmarks.

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The four day event also saw guests dancing Bollywood style in Syntagma Square and they praised Athens as the perfect spot for a wedding, as it has such rich history and culture to offer the world.

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The Hotel Grande Bretagne and King George Hotel were booked months in advance for the occasion. Both five star hotels are conveniently located close to the Zappeion Mansion.

Surveys show in recent years more and more Indians are choosing the Greek islands for their wedding celebrations, as they love the romantic scenery and backdrop it offers for their special day.

GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.