Greece’s main opposition party has accused the government of being soft on terrorists after notorious November 17 terrorist Christodoulos Xiros was transferred from Korydallos prison to that of Chalkida, on Evia, undercover and tight security, on Monday.
“Tsipras’ government is systematically exhibiting tender loving care to terrorist murderers, offending the families of their victims and the public sense of justice,” New Democracy said in a statement.
“A government (that is) incompetent and cynical, which cannot offer basic security to Greeks, arranges it so that terrorists may complete their sentences sooner,” it added.
This recent transfer comes after international criticism over Friday’s transfer of the terrorist group’s member Dimitris Koufodinas who was moved out of Korydallos jail to the agrarian jail of Volos.
In response, the Ministry of Justice said his transfer was part of a plan to reorganize the Korydallos prison, near Piraeus, and turn it into a jail for individuals awaiting trial.
Xiros has been sentenced to six life sentences as a member of the November 17 terrorist group, which assassinated 23 people between 1975 and 2000.