Greek migrant centre impresses Romanian Minister



Greece’s Migration Policy Minister Dimitris Vitsas on Tuesday took the Romanian Interior Minister Carmen Daniela Dan to the refugee and migrant hosting centre at Schisto.

Dan who is currently in Greece on an official state visit, left impressed with the facilities and the administration of the centre.

“I am leaving from this facility with the best impressions. I did not expect to see so many nice things and so nice co-existence between the NGO and the state agencies. I am leaving with the best impressions on the living conditions in this hosting facility, both adults and children. What I saw here was very positive and helpful. In Romania we do not have such facilities,” said the Romanian Minister.

Dan added that “Romania will assume the presidency of the Council of Europe and it is very important to be in position to play the role of the mediator between the European Union and all the responsible agencies for this burning issue.”

On his part, Vitsas welcomed the Romanian minister adding that it was very important that she chose to visit the facility in order to be aware of the problem besides the experience she already has.

Vitsas repeated that Greece wants a solution on the reallocation of the migration burden to be found in all Europe. “I believe we can found a common European way and we must support the minister’s effort that also wants to support Europe’s effort”.

According to the data so far, 797 people from Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and Syria are housed in the hosting facility in Schisto with capacity of 970 persons.