Terrorist Brenton Tarrant makes reference to Hagia Sophia in his manifesto


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New Zealand and the rest of the world have been left shocked after unprecedented attacks took place yesterday on two mosques in the city of Christchurch, in which at least 49 people died and many have been left in critical condition.

 The shooter, who horrifically killed men, women, and young children as they peacefully prayed, has been identified as 28-year-old Australian citizen Brenton Harrison Tarrant, who has since been charged with murder.

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Authorities have found an 87-page manifesto filled with anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim ideas.

The manifesto also shows that German Chancellor Anglea Merkel, mayor of London Sadiq Khan and Turkish President  Recep Tayyip Erdoğan were his main targets.

On the 28th page of his manifesto, he refers to Turkey, saying, “We are coming for Constantinople and we will destroy every mosque and every minaret in the city. The Hagia Sophia will be liberated from the minarets, and Constantinople will be rightfully Christian owned once more.”

Screen Shot 2019 03 16 at 1.06.51 pmOn his list, the terrorist calls on users to murder politicians who he refers to as “enemies” of European nations, as he goes on to describe Turkey’s President as “the leader of the largest Islamist organisation in Europe,” and he also accuses the mayor of London of being a “Pakistani Muslim invader” who wants to replace the British people in the United Kingdom with Muslims.

His ideology is governed by theories of white supremacy and when he appeared in court today with charges of murder, he also made a white power gesture.