St Spyridon Feast Day and the Ordination of Fr Amphilohios to the Priesthood

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On Sunday 15th December 2019, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios conducted his first Sunday Service at St Spyridon in Sydney, Australia. 

During the Divine Liturgy, following the Cherubic Hymn and the Great Entrance with the Holy Gifts, His Eminence ordained Father Amphilohios Papantoniou to the Priesthood.

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“This was a very moving aspect of the Service, not only for the congregation but even for those of us who have witnessed many ordinations. For Father Amphilohios, it was an overwhelming experience as the Archbishop besought God the Holy Spirit to descend upon the hitherto Deacon and, by His Divine Grace which ‘supplements all deficiencies’ elevate Father Amphilohios to the Priesthood,” St Spyridon Parish Priest Father Steven Scoutas stated.

Archbishop Makarios praised Father Amphilochios’ qualifications and appeared confident that he would consistently fulfil the responsibility he assumed. “There is no doubt,” His Eminence underlined, “that you will give good fruits to our people, that you will lead them to Christ and cultivate his love for them.”

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“No one is worthy to be a Priest. It is only by God’s mercy and philanthropy that any of us dare to approach the Body and Blood of Christ at the Holy Altar Table.
His Eminence addressed Father Amphilohios with much love, as a father would speak to a son. And with deep humility and silent attention Father Amphilohios listened and absorbed every golden word,” Father Steven Scoutas continued.

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St Spyridon Parish committee

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Wishing the newly ordained Father to become “a living and incarnate Gospel who will walk among us and bear witness to the truth,” he noted that to do so, he must “leave everything with complete confidence in God’s providence.”

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At the end of the service, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios also acknowledged the contribution of two members of the St Spyridon community, Mr Stelios Coudounaris and Mrs Elsie Tsangaris who were awarded with the Silver Cross of St Andrew for their volunteer service to the Church.

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Mr Stelios Coudounaris
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Mrs Elsie Tsangaris

*Images by Nick Bourdaniotis/Bourdo Photography (Copyright)