Berlin calling Greek filmmakers and artists from around the world

Berlin calling Greek filmmakers and artists from around the world

Berlin calling Greek filmmakers and artists from around the world

The Berlin Music Video Awards is inviting submissions from Greek filmmakers, musicians, artists and creative minds from around the world to submit their works for next year’s 2021 major event.

In the past years, there was a big move of Greek artists to Berlin including DJ Sotiris PS, who was part of the festival’s jury for the “Most Bizarre” category. “He was chosen for his radical good taste, after having built himself a great reputation in the creative scene of Berlin” said the Awards organisers.

As far as Greece’s involvement in the festival goes, there were some incredible music videos that were nominated in previous years, such as:

DJ The Boy – Bubble Bubble (Nominated for Best Experimental category in 2019)

Meletini – Asana/ Metamorphosis (Nominated for Most Bizarre category in 2018)

Widdershins – Heliopolis (Nominated for Best Experimental category in 2015)

Berlin Music Video Awards

The Berlin Music Video Awards puts together a great mix of unknown artists along with known artists in the same categories and you might be surprised but big names such as Lady Gaga, Elthon John or Coldplay lost to young newcomers.

When Aviel Silook, the founder of the festival and the main producer, was asked about this phenomenon, he simply answered “why not… in a short project such as a music video, a big budget doesn’t always win against a great concept”.

Berlin calling Greek filmmakers and artists from around the world

The festival stands by ethos “Everybody has a chance to participate. It doesn’t matter how big your name, following, or bank account is, the most important factor is talent.”

The winners of selective categories at the Berlin Music Video Awards are chosen by a professional jury panel, that consists of professionals from the film and music industry. To name just a few jury members from the past editions: Heiko Burkardsmaier and Jan Burda who were part of the “Game of Thrones” VFX division, Christian Alsan (BMVA past winner), Ansgar Ahlers (Disney movies director) or Christoph Schinko that moved dinosaurs in “Jurassic Park” and “Muggles” in “Harry Potter”.

The BMVA rewards various aspects of the music video production and categories like Best Director, Best Animation, Best Cinematography, Best Art Director, Best Visual Effects, Best Editor, Best Production Company, Best Narrative, and Best Concept prove that. Most Bizarre, Most Trashy and Best Experimental are categories that celebrate the unconventional art and out-of-the-box works. The winners of aforementioned categories then compete in the Best Music Video category and the final winner takes home € 3.000.

Berlin calling Greek filmmakers and artists from around the world

To give you a better idea what music videos stole the jury members’ hearts, we compiled a list of BMVA 2020 winners:

To find out more about the Berlin Music Video Awards, get connected on their website, Facebook page or Instagram.

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