Albanian “Historian”: The gods of Olympus were Albanian

Arvanites: The Founders of Modern Greece (Myths of the Greek Histiography)

A so-called Albanian historian, known for his anti-Greek sentiments and his cooperation in persecuting Greeks in Northern Epirus, claims that the ancient gods of Olympic are not Greek.

Historical revisionist Arben P. Llalla. Albania
Historical revisionist Arben P. Llalla.

Arben P. Llalla, who lives permanently in Tetovo in North Macedonia, published a new book.

The book is funded by the North Macedonian Ministry of Culture – that makes some of the most ludicrous claims that the only response is to laugh.

The claims in the book are so laughable that the so-called historian claims Homer’s Iliad and the Odyssey, as well as the words of Zeus, Nemesis and Rhea, are Albanian.

He even claims that 60% of Greeks are Albanian, but of course does not provide any genetic studies to back his claim which would quickly debunk his claims.

In fact, genetic studies have found that modern Greeks have a direct link to the Bronze Age Minoan and Mycenean civilizations.

Arvanites: The Founders of Modern Greece (Myths of the Greek Histiography)
Arvanites: The Founders of Modern Greece (Myths of the Greek Histography).

Of course, it is expected that North Macedonia would fund such a book considering they are the most famous historical revisionists in the history of the world.