Prince Harry and Meghan send wreath with the national flower of Greece

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Prince Harry and Meghan send wreath and handwritten message for Prince Philip’s funeral.

The Duchess of Sussex has not been able to attend Prince Philip‘s funeral in person due to the advanced stage of her pregnancy.

Among the wreaths, which lay just below Prince Philip’s coffin was the beautiful handmade wreath that Meghan and Harry sent – made up of purple and blue locally sourced flowers, by Willow Crossley – one of the Duke and Duchesses favourite florists. 

Some of the flowers included also had a meaning – acanthus mollis (bear’s breeches) are the national flower of Greece, which is where the Duke was born, while the flowers eryngium (sea holly) were also included, for his time in the Royal Marines. 

More than 13 million people tuned in to watch the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral as it was televised on the BBC