BYZANFEST 2021: Orthodox Christian Film Festival Announces Award Winning Films

The Shepherd feature Greece

The University of St Katherine’s  Byzanfest film festival announced the winning films of its 2021 programme which included a diverse range of Orthodox-theme screen stories, from shorts to feature films.

Gods Will short SerbiaDuring the award ceremony,  organisers announced the creation of a new Association for Byzanfest Filmmakers. This Association will offer current and past submitters the opportunity to communicate, collaborate and develop closer relationships.

The winning films are:

• Audience Favourite, Best Short Screenplay & Best Female Director Award: GOD’S WILL (Serbia)
• Best Documentary & Best Youth Short Film: TESTIMONY: THE STORY OF EMILIO (Chile)
• Best Cinematography (Short-film): ANATHEMA (Cyprus)
• Best Director (Short-film) & Best Short Film: JUST LIKE WATER (Greece)
• Best Script in Development Award: THE BLACK (USA)
• Best Documentary, Best Cinematography, Best Director & Best Film: A QUIET NOOK OF CHRIST’S (Serbia)

• Total prize and cash pool valued at $2,700 USD / €2,400
• 11 venue screenings around the world
• 3 professional film networking sessions hosted with filmmakers
• First year for “Best Screenplay in Development Award” and “Best Female Director Award”


Established in 2014, Byzanfest is an international film festival totally dedicated to Orthodox Christian cinema. The aim is to stream and screen the very best Orthodox stories with the world.

Byzanfest strives to create something new and innovative, not be limited by the physical constraints of traditional venue-based festivals. Byzanfest looked ahead towards the future of entertainment and wanted to engage globally with both Orthodox and non-Orthodox audiences.

VOD, in-venue & world-wide. The Festival encourages interactivity where viewers can share their thoughts through all social media platforms.

The Festival showcases films which reflect Orthodox Christian themes, beliefs, culture and values. However, an entry’s storyline does not necessarily have to be ‘religious’. Although the film may not appear to have ‘Orthodox’ subject-matter, it can still be deemed Orthodox because it was created by an Orthodox Christian filmmaker who maintained an Orthodox phronema (‘mindset’) during the creative process, remaining faithful to their Christian sense of dignity, morality and self-respect.

The name ‘Byzanfest’ is in honour of the great Byzantine Empire, a place of great wisdom, art and Faith. Although it may no longer exist, the spirit and values of Byzantium shine out in the works of Orthodox Christians in the Digital Era.