“Man of God” a film centred on the life of St. Nektarios became an unexpected hit in the US and is now showing for a second time on the 28th of March.
The film features Hollywood star Mickey Rourke alongside respected Greek actor Aris Servetalis and Russian actor Alexander Petrov and was directed, written, and produced by Yelena Popovic.
Filmed in Greece, the movie depicts the life of Saint Nektarios of Aegina, who endured unjust hatred and was persecuted by the religious establishment while preaching the Word of God.
Those in the US who are interested in watching the movie on March 28th can check out a list of participating theatres and purchase tickets at FathomEvents.
The story of Saint Nektarios
The story begins with the 45-year-old cleric being ousted from Alexandria. The saint’s popularity, at the time when he was the Metropolitan, or bishop, of Pentapolis in Egypt, provokes the jealousy of some clergy there.

Fearing that he would become the next Patriarch of Alexandria, some of the clergies discredited him and as a result, he was expelled from Egypt. He comes to Athens in 1891, and thanks to his sophisticated pedagogical tactics, he becomes famous, and at the same time begins one of his great literary works.
The workload, however, overwhelms him so he retires to Aegina. He rebuilds a ruined monastery with his own hands, which, thanks to his fame, flourishes. The monastery, however, is never officially recognized, while Nektarios is unjustly accused of immorality. At the Aretaio Hospital, shortly after his death in 1920, he performs a final miracle.
Finally, in 1961, Nektarios was officially recognized as a saint by the Greek Orthodox Church, and his feast day is celebrated on November 9.