“We are no longer fighting only to defend society, but also the Democracy itself,” said the president of opposition party SYRIZA-PS, Alexis Tsipras, in a post on social media after the meeting he had with the president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva shortly before his inauguration.
In his post, the president of SYRIZA states: “Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva returned. This time his task more difficult.
“He will not only fight inequalities, poverty and illiteracy, but also to defend Democracy and unite his country – a country divided by division, fake news, hatred and the far-right propaganda of its opponents.
“Bolsonaro has been defeated but Bolsonarism is still here, as he told me in our meeting.”
Ο Λούλα επέστρεψε.
Αυτή τη φορά δε θα αγωνιστεί μόνο για να καταπολεμήσει τις ανισότητες, αλλά και για να υπερασπιστεί τη Δημοκρατία και να ενώσει τη χώρα του.
Γιατί ο Μπολσονάρο νικήθηκε αλλά ο Μπολσοναρισμός είναι ακόμη εδώ, όπως χαρακτηριστικά μού είπε στη συνάντησή μας. pic.twitter.com/lWdl5VSnlS— Αλέξης Τσίπρας – Alexis Tsipras (@atsipras) January 1, 2023
Referring to the content of the meeting, Tsipras noted: “A meeting that was scheduled for half an hour but lasted over an hour.
“He wanted to know details about our battles with the troika, about how we overcame the crisis, about the solution to the Macedonian issue, about Cyprus and the Aegean, about Europe’s stance on the Ukrainian issue but also about the battle of the European Left against rise of the Far Right.
“He told me about the great difficulties he went through. The hard days in prison. The ruthless attitude of his opponents, the 700,000 dead from the pandemic, the huge deficit they leave him in the public budget.
“And we reflected on how similar the slogans of the enemies of the people and the Republic are, when he mentioned to me the central slogan of Bolsonaro: ‘God – country – family’.
“We agreed to advance the cause of the cooperation of the left and progressive forces especially at the level of Europe and Latin America. Two continents that are increasingly confronted with the consequences of the war in Ukraine, the new cold war and the US-China rivalry.
“We finally agreed to meet again soon, perhaps on an official visit to Greece because he admires the struggles of the Greek people and our cultural heritage. Needless to say in what capacity he wished me to receive him.
“It is important that a great leader is at the same time a great friend of Greece”.
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