Tempi train collision: “I’ll never forget the moment when I realised I wasn’t dead,” says survivor

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Intercity 62 passenger Eleftheria Driga, who survived the train collision, described the tragedy in Tempi as a “pure crime that could have been avoided.”

In fact, on the occasion of the revelations about the pre-arrested Larissa station master, Vassilis Samaras, she commented that “I can’t believe that a man was alone there.”

When asked what she will not forget from the night of February 28, Eleftheria told Alpha that “I will never forget the moment when the derailment stopped and I realised that I am not dead and we have to find in the black smoke and the darkness if there is an exit or we will stay there.”

Eleftheria, who was sitting in seat 41 in the third carriage, also described how she experienced the moment of the fatal collision.

“Suddenly there was a noise, we derailed and then black smoke and sparks. When it stopped and we saw that we were alive, we searched and found where to get out,” said Eleftheria first and continued:

“One window was up like a roof instead of the side. I stuck my head out the window and if it hadn’t been for two kids hearing other people yelling that we have to leave because the fire is coming, I’d still be there thinking I’m doing the right thing.”

As she said, finally, the burns she suffered were not what worried her when the authorities took her “because I was spitting blood.”

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