Greek referee was offered a bribe at basketball match in Kosovo

Greek referee

There has been an alleged attempted bribery of Greek referees in a basketball match on April 20. The team from the separatist Serbian region of Kosovo, Treptsa, says it has taken the evidence to the police, asking the relevant authorities to punish all those involved in an exemplary manner.

The Greek referees were identified as Zaharis and Kardaris, according to Proto Thema.

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“Dear citizens of the Republic of Kosovo, dear friends of basketball… We inform you that on April 20, the day of the third semi-final of the play-offs between Pristina and Treptsa, we discovered the biggest basketball scandal in the history of Kosovo!

“In fact, we prevented a great sporting and moral damage for the Pristina team, its fans and sports fans.

“Based on suspicions that were eventually confirmed by information, we discovered and reported a criminal offense against a person who appears to be putting the two Greek referees of the match, Zaharis and Kardaris, in a Mercedes car, bribing them to manipulate the match between Pristina and Treptsa in favour of the guests!

“The above incident is confirmed by video recordings. We verified the incident and notified the Kosovo Basketball Federation who spoke to the referees and they admitted what happened.

“This is also the reason why the referees did not blow the whistle in the game. After clarifying the case, we made the complaint to the relevant authorities of the Kosovo Police before the start of the match and we expect the initiation of criminal proceedings against all those involved as soon as possible.

“We call on the relevant authorities in accordance with the law to mobilise to save sports and basketball, to punish all those involved, preventing corruption.

“In the meantime, we will appeal to the biggest basketball organisation, FIBA, the General Secretary, Andreas Zaglis, and the Hellenic Federation so that each of them will take their measures, punish and prevent these phenomena.”

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