Update: Greek fires

On Monday, a devastating fire swept through the village of Asklipio on the island of Rhodes, leaving destruction in its wake. Homes, shops, and other properties fell victim to the unstoppable flames.

The distressed inhabitants desperately pleaded for assistance, while firefighting forces and volunteers in the area fought tirelessly to bring the fire under control.

Since Sunday night, two separate fronts had been threatening Asklipio, with firefighters, volunteers, and residents put up a valiant fight throughout the night, but were unable to prevent the fire from infiltrating the settlement. Additionally, rekindled fires posed a threat to the villages of Gennadi and Vati.

The situation was deemed extremely hazardous, prompting the entire force of the fire brigade and a significant number of volunteers to align on both fronts in an effort to contain the flames. The possible evacuation of the two villages was also being considered as a precautionary measure.

In Corfu, a fire was raging in the northeastern part of the island and south of Perithia, but thankfully, it had not yet reached any residential buildings, as reported by the Fire Department. A total of 62 firefighters, accompanied by 21 water trucks, three ground units on foot, two helicopters, and two airplanes, were tirelessly combating the blaze.

During the night, an emergency evacuation message was sent through the hotline number 112, urging residents of Santa, Megoula, Porta, Palaia Perithia, Sinies, Viglaturi, Nisaki, Rou, Katavolo, Kentoma, Tritsi, Kokkokilas, Sarakiniatika, Plagia, Kalami, Vlahatika, and Kavalleraina to vacate the area.

Meanwhile, in Karystos, Evia, the fire continued to persist, with sporadic outbreaks still occurring, according to Fire Department sources. As a precaution, the settlements of Platis Gialos, Livadi, Kastri, Potami, Pernaraki, and Platanistos have been evacuated, following evacuation messages sent to residents via the 112 hotline.

Strong winds were exacerbating the situation in Evia, as seventy-seven firefighters, 25 water trucks, three teams of firefighters on foot, and three aircraft were relentlessly working to bring the fire under control.

In Egio, the village of Trapeza, along with the neighboring settlement of Kastro Aegialia, were evacuated after an emergency message was sent through the 112 hotline. The fire in the nearby hill posed a constant threat. Firefighters were battling to prevent the fire from crossing the highway, and thus far, they had been successful. In the area, a total of 99 firefighters, 35 water trucks, four teams on foot, two aircraft, two helicopters, and the Olympos operational center were involved in the firefighting operations.

Lastly, the fire in Yliki continued to burn without immediate threats to residential structures. A team of 60 firefighters, aided by 21 water trucks, three teams on foot, two helicopters, and two airplanes, were actively working towards extinguishing the fire.