Australian Embassy hosts event in recognition of Effy Alexakis and Leonard Janiszewski 40 years documenting the Greek Australian story

The Australian embassy in Athens announced that it will be hosting an event recognising the life’s work of documentary photographer Effy Alexakis and social historian Leonard Janiszewski, who have been documenting the Greek Australian story for the last forty years.
The ‘in-conversation’ event between documentary photographer Effy Alexakis, social historian Leonard Janiszewski, and Dr Lita Tzortzopoulou-Gregory of the Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens will take place at the Australian Embassy (5 Hatziyianni Mexi Street), 27 September, at 18:30.
Joined by Australia’s Ambassador Alison Duncan, guests will discuss Alexakis’ and Janiszewski’s unique journey of researching and documenting the Greek-Australian presence over four decades.
Available at the event will be Effy Alexakis’ latest book, Effy Alexakis: Forty Photographs – A Year at a Time’ contains an emblematic photo representing each year since 1982 capturing the diversity and changing face of the Greek-Australian presence.

The event is open to the public, however registration is required as places are limited.
If you wish to attend, please send  an email to by 20 September.