Greek police with a 20-year-old Mercedes


The vehicles of the Greek Police fleet have started to be upgraded in recent years. Modern cars appear to meet the needs of too many, but in any case, the number of patrol cars needs to be increased.

This is also why, even today, we see very old patrol cars on the streets, with millions of kilometres, with worn tires and generally dangerous for the driver and other drivers. It is a common secret that these vehicles that are even more than 20 years old on the roads do not offer any safety, with all that entails.

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Formerly Foreclosed…

A striking example is the photos from the patrol car published by News Auto in the area of ​​Halkidiki.

As you can see, a Mercedes C200 in the Station Wagon version is almost 20 years old. According to News Auto, this is a former confiscated vehicle that passed into the fleet of police over the last three years. The police officers are called upon to deal with the daily incidents…

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We wonder if, in addition to the safety it provides its passengers, how much fuel it consumes per 100 kilometres and how friendly it is to the environment.

The conclusion is yours to make…

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READ MORE: Heavy fine for the habit of thousands of drivers in Greece.