The General Secretary of Greeks Abroad, Mr John Chrysoulakis, states that during his visit to India, which took place on November 17-20, 2023, the aim was to upgrade the bilateral ties between Greece and India to the level of “Strategic Partnership.”
John Chrysoulakis pointed out in his meetings, the Program of Cultural and Educational Exchanges between the governments of the two countries offers many fields of cooperation, among others, such as the organisation of conferences, film festivals, book presentations, musical concerts, and more, reported Parapolitika.
He also referred to the Greek-Indian Cultural Exchanges and academic cooperation and invited Indians to travel to Greece itself to enjoy an authentic culinary and cultural travel experience.
Development and tightening of bonds
“Greece and India share historical ties, and today, a renewed approach is being promoted to strengthen our bilateral relationship, deepen and expand cooperation in many fields and further develop and strengthen the ties between the two peoples through education and culture”. This was the central message of the visit of the Secretary-General of Greeks Abroad and Public Diplomacy, John Chrysoulakis, to India, where he had fruitful meetings with political and state actors, leaders and heads of institutions from the field of economy and culture, academics and heads of University Institutions.
With culture as a vehicle
The visit of the Secretary-General is part of the spirit of upgrading the bilateral ties between Greece and India to the level of “Strategic Partnership”, as announced in August during the meeting of the Prime Ministers of the two countries, Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Narendra Modi, which opened a new era in Greek-Indian relations.
Mr Chryssoulakis’s visit to India aimed to use culture, education, and public diplomacy to strengthen and expand the pre-existing collaborations and exchanges between the two countries and explore new fields of joint actions within the further, upgraded framework cooperation.
In particular, as the Secretary-General emphasised in his meetings, the Cultural and Educational Exchange Program between the two countries’ governments offers many fields of cooperation. It can be a point of reference for Greek-Indian cultural and educational relations, among other things, by encouraging mutual actions of interest, such as organising conferences, film festivals, book presentations, music concerts, theatre performances and exhibitions.
We work closely with UNESCO
Both bilaterally and multilaterally, strengthening and expanding cooperation in culture and education were at the centre of the Secretary General’s meeting with India’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Culture, Meenakshi Lekhi.
Given the pre-existing excellent cooperation between the two parties, the meeting was held in a friendly and constructive atmosphere. As it was emphasised, among other things, the area of culture offers many fields of joint actions and exchanges that will contribute to the rapprochement, mutual acquaintance, and further tightening of the relations of the two peoples.
In addition, Mr. Chrysoulakis underlined that Greece and India cooperate closely within the framework of UNESCO and can continue to explore areas of common interest to expand and deepen their relationship further.
Week of Greek Gastronomy in India
In New Delhi, Mr Chryssoulakis held, on November 19, 2023, the opening of a Week of Greek Gastronomy in India with the support of the General Secretariat of Hellenism Abroad and Public Diplomacy, the Embassy of Greece in India and the Club of Chefs of Attica ACROPOLIS.
Through ” gastronomic diplomacy “, stressed Mr Chrysoulakis, Greece does not just present Greek flavours, nor only the world-famous Mediterranean diet, which has the Greek diet as its core.
Travel experience Greece
He added that it showcases Greek culture and the country’s spirit by inviting participants to travel to Greece and enjoy an authentic culinary and cultural travel experience. At the same time, it promotes Greek products, inviting millions of Indians to consume more Greek agri-food.
The private media gave massive publicity to the Week of Greek Gastronomy with reproduction and appeal to an audience of hundreds of millions.
In the context of the visit, in his meeting with the Secretary General of the Federal Government of Gujarat State, as well as with influential bodies in the city of Ahmedabad, Mr Chrysoulakis referred to the strengthening of trade ties with India and the development of maritime cooperation, as well as on the role of Greece in the maritime trade corridors between South Asia and the EU.
Cultural exchanges between Greece and India
In a series of meetings with Indian cultural institutions, the Secretary-General underlined the critical position of culture as a cornerstone of Greek-Indian relations as a basis of mutual respect and trust between the two peoples and a pillar of Greece’s Public Diplomacy.
The deepening of Greek-Indian cultural exchanges at the level of the performing arts was the subject of Mr Chrysoulakis ‘ meetings with the Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts (IGNCA) in New Delhi and with the National School of Drama (NSD), which will invite Greek troupes for to participate in the established festival Bharat Rang Mahotsav 2024.
In the talks, the cooperation with the EKPA (Department of Music Studies, Cultural Anthropology sector) was highlighted to develop a joint program of documentation of the intangible cultural heritage of Greece and India within the framework of UNESCO. Mr. Chryssoulakis visited the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) under the Indian Ministry of External Affairs and Ministry of Culture and had constructive talks with its management staff.
In the Federal State of Rajasthan, Mr Chryssoulakis also thanked the International Center for Visual Arts of the city of Udaipur (UICVA) for the invitation he addressed to Greek sculptors to visit it and present their unique art.
Academic cooperation between Greece and India
In education, the Secretary-General contacted Indian academic institutions of repute – Jawaharlal Nehru (JNU), Ahmedabad University, and Jharkhand Rai University – to strengthen academic mobility and research. J
awaharlal Nehru University (JNU) will host the first PhD program in Greek studies in Asia starting next academic year. At the JNU Conference Center in New Delhi in collaboration with the Greek Studies Centre there, the establishment of which was supported by the General Secretariat of Greeks Abroad and Public Diplomacy, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the EKUA and the International University, it is expected to be organised next April the interdisciplinary, international conference “Greece-India: History, Sciences and Entrepreneurship”, following this one entitled “The Greek World and India” held in September 2023 at the Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies in Venice under the auspices of the General Secretariat of Hellenism Abroad and Public Diplomacy.
During Mr Chrysoulakis ‘ meeting with the rector’s authorities of Ahmedabad University, issues of academic cooperation for the protection and promotion of cultural heritage and the cooperation of the Cultural Heritage Management Centre with the Department of Tourism of the Ionian University in Corfu were discussed.
This collaboration, based on a Memorandum of Understanding, focuses on comparative research between Eleusis and the ancient city of Vadnagar, which is the birthplace of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and on the possibilities of convergences and synergies within the framework of international organisations (UNESCO), in the fields of sustainable development, tourism, environmental protection, etc. During his meetings with educational institutions in India to strengthen bilateral ties in the field of education, the Secretary-General referred to the possibilities of establishing other Chairs of Greek Studies and Universities in India to the new study programs of the Greek HEIs in English, to the pivotal role of the Study In Greece portal, as well as in the promotion of joint comparative research programs.
The Greek Community in New Delhi
Contacts and exchanges between citizens of the two countries were also at the centre of Mr Chrysoulakis’ visit: The Secretary-General met with members of the Hellenic Community in New Delhi as well as high-ranking officials of the Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry of India (WICCI) and discussed the progress of Greek-Indian relations.

READ MORE: The contribution of the Greeks and Philhellenes of India to Greece’s Independence.