Palestinian, Egyptian migrants turned the Kos island hosting structure into a battlefield and attacked police

greek police, arrested Palestinian

Serious incidents against police forces and security personnel were caused by groups of illegal immigrants who turned the structure hosting immigrants and refugees at the Gate of Kos into a battlefield, causing extensive damage, on Monday afternoon.

For no apparent reason, on Monday afternoon Palestinian and Egyptian illegal immigrants damaged the doors of the rooms and the beds in their accommodation and emptied the fire extinguishers, covering all surfaces with their contents, Proto Thema reported.

When the workers tried to intervene, they started hurling bottles and fruit at them, trying to breach the metal fence to escape. Four of them managed to climb the fence and get out of the wing, but were arrested by the police.

They are three Palestinians, aged 24, 22 and 22, and an 18-year-old Egyptian, who were brought to the District Attorney's Office on charges of damage to public property, disturbing the peace and disobedience.

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