Greek unemployment rate fell to 9.2% in December


The Greek unemployment rate fell 9.2% of the workforce in December 2023 from 9.4% in November and 12.2% in December 2022, the Hellenic Statistical Authority said on Thursday.

The number of unemployed people totalled 430,088, down 25.4% from December 2022 and down 0.2% from November 2023. The unemployment rate among women was 11.7% (16.2% in December 2022), and among men, it was 7.1% (8.9%).

In the 15-24 age group, the unemployment rate fell to 22.3% from 30.4% in December 2022 and in the 25-74 age group, it dropped to 8.3% from 11.2%. The number of employed people was 4,264,292, up 2.5% from December 2022 and 2.3% from November 2023.

Greek merchant shipping fleet down in November

Greek merchant shipping fleet fell both in numbers and capacity in November 2023, Hellenic Statistical Authority said on Wednesday.

More specifically, the fleet fell 0.1% in numbers, totaling 1,821 ships compared with November 2022, and fell 2.8% in capacity, totaling 37,333,478 dwt.

READ MORE: Inflation in Greece at 3.2% in January, 2.8% in the Eurozone.