Greek Museum invites children to participate in 11th International Kids Art Contest


The Greek Museum of Cycladic Art is hosting the 11th International Kids Art Contest with this year's theme "today's stories on ancient vases" and invites children aged 4-15 to participate by drawing images images of their everyday lives that they would like to leave as a personal footprint to future generations.

This year's contest ends on April 22, 2024 while the children's artwork will be presented in September 2024 as part of the major exhibition during the 2nd Cycladic Kids Festival.



The International Kids' Art Contest is one of the most successful initiatives of the Museum of Cycladic Art where thousands of children from Greece and abroad participate every year, special schools and refugee reception and integration centres. This year, through the Art Contest, we explore the permanent exhibition "Scenes from Daily Life in Antiquity" located on the 4th floor of the Museum of Cycladic Art. As we explore various themes and objects exhibited, we learn about the private and public life of ancient people in Classical and Hellenistic Greece.

One of today’s richest sources of information about antiquity is the painted clay vases. Since prehistoric times, people depict on these vases images of their everyday lives and scenes from mythology. Today, we find similar images mainly through internet and social media.

In this year's Kids’ Art Contest, children are invited to recreate a scene from their everyday life, using painting, collage, photography or mixed media and include their creation into the vase outline.

What would you like people to know about your life?

What do you choose to share with others?

Which images are the most typical of your life and era?

The Contest’s results will be announced in June, just before the school year ends.


Members of this year's jury:

Nikos Aliagas – Journalist / Photographer
Panos Giannikopoulos – Curator of Contemporary Art
Nadia Kontogeorgi – Actress
Theodoros Papakostas – Archaeologist
Erato Hatzisavva – Rector of the Athens School of Fine Arts
Heidi Holder – Chair of Education at The Metropolitan Museum of Art