In a high-stakes meeting between Stefanos Kasselakis, President of SYRIZA PS, and Konstantinos Menoudakos, President of the Personal Data Protection Authority, urgent inquiries were made regarding the surveillance and unauthorised dissemination of sensitive personal data pertaining to foreign voters.
Emphasising the gravity of the situation, Kasselakis underscored the need for a comprehensive investigation into the leakage of confidential information. "We need to ascertain the origin of the leak of foreign voters' data and determine the extent of its dissemination," Kasselakis stated.
Following the meeting, Kasselakis provided insight into the discussions, highlighting two critical areas of concern. Firstly, he called for clarity regarding the illegal malware known as Predator, which targeted 93 individuals—an issue that remains unresolved despite months of inquiry. Secondly, Kasselakis addressed the leak of classified personal data concerning foreign voters, noting ongoing investigations into the matter. He stressed the imperative of expanding the probe to uncover any additional breaches originating from within the Ministry of Interior.
"We demand transparency regarding the breach of foreign voters' data and urge for a thorough investigation within the Ministry of Interior," Kasselakis asserted. "It is essential to identify the perpetrators responsible for these breaches and ensure institutional integrity."
Accompanying Kasselakis in the meeting were SYRIZA's Co-chairman Socrates Famelos and Manolis Kaminakis, director of the political office of the SYRIZA president. The meeting signifies a concerted effort to address data privacy concerns and uphold democratic principles amidst growing apprehensions over breaches of citizens' rights.
(Source: Amna)