Maldives Hosts Turkish Warship Amid Strained Ties with India

Male, Maldives - The island nation of Maldives is hosting the Turkish warship TCG Kinaliada in its capital, Male, following a multi-million-dollar deal to purchase military drones from Turkey. The visit comes at a time when India's relations with both Maldives and Turkey have hit an all-time low.

India's relations with Maldives and Turkey have deteriorated in recent years. Turkey's unwavering support for Pakistan on the Kashmir issue has been a major irritant for India. Since India's abrogation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir in 2019, Turkey has repeatedly raised the issue at international forums.

The current government in Maldives, led by President Mohamed Muizzu, came to power on an "India Out" campaign. It has since expelled 77 Indian military personnel deployed on the island nation.

TCG Kinaliada's Voyage

TCG Kinaliada is on a 134-day voyage to mark the 100th anniversary of Turkey's relations with Japan. The ship will travel approximately 27,000 nautical miles and make 24 port visits in 20 countries, including Japan, Pakistan, Maldives, Bangladesh, and China.

Regional Implications

The presence of the Turkish warship in Maldives is seen as a sign of Turkey's growing influence in the Indian Ocean region. It also highlights the challenges India faces in maintaining its traditional sphere of influence in South Asia.

"The hosting of the Turkish warship in Maldives is a clear indication of the strained relations between India and both Maldives and Turkey," said Dr. Vikram Sood, a former Indian diplomat. "It also reflects the growing presence of Turkey in the Indian Ocean region, which is a matter of concern for India."

The visit of the Turkish warship to Maldives is a reminder of the complex geopolitical dynamics in the Indian Ocean region. It underscores the strained relations between India and both Maldives and Turkey, as well as the growing presence of Turkey in the region.

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