Police evacuate schools in Cyprus after bomb threats

The Cyprus Police Spokesman, Christos Andreou, assured today that the threatening email sent to numerous primary and secondary schools across the country poses minimal risk. Mr. Andreou, speaking to KYPE, disclosed that authorities are actively investigating the incident and employing resources from Interpol and Europol to trace the sender.

Police evacuate schools in Cyprus after bomb threats 3

According to Mr. Andreou, the Police were notified by the Ministry of Education this morning about the reception of a threatening email in the official accounts of several public schools. Upon investigation, it was determined that the message, originating from a foreign source, was consistent in content and sender across all schools.

In response, a high-level meeting was convened at Police Headquarters, attended by top police officials, Ministry of Education representatives, and education directors. Protocols were activated, children were evacuated from classrooms, and police commenced on-site inspections.

Despite the gravity of the situation, Mr. Andreou emphasized that no suspicious objects had been found during inspections, categorizing the threat as low risk. He reassured parents that schools where no threats were detected resumed normal operations.

The Ministry of Education, in coordination with the Police, ensured seamless communication between schools and authorities. Mr. Andreou reiterated the collaborative effort between law enforcement and education sectors, affirming the threat assessment.

Efforts are underway to identify the sender with the support of Interpol, Europol, and electronic crime units. Meanwhile, schools have communicated with parents, assuring them of ongoing cooperation with authorities and maintaining safety measures on campus.

In an official statement, the Police urged vigilance while continuing the investigation into the matter.

[With information from CNA]

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