EOT | Invitation for Head of Australia Office

The GCM building facade in Lonsdale St Melbourne Photo: Supplied

The Hellenic Tourism Organization (EOT), in the context of the imminent opening of the Australian EOT Service based in Melbourne—with local jurisdiction over Australia, New Zealand, and other Oceanic Island States—has issued a call for applications to fill the position of Head for a period of up to one year.

Eligibility to Submit a Secondment Request for the Position of Supervisor:

  • Permanent employees of the EOT or the Ministry of Tourism, with an educational level of PE or TE, regardless of branch, with a grade of at least B'.
  • Applicants must have excellent knowledge of the English language, demonstrated by specified degrees and certificates.

Additional Requirements:

  • Applicants must have completed at least two years of service.
  • Applicants must not have been finally convicted of a serious disciplinary offense or deficient performance of their duties, with decisions that have not been overturned.

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