Greece and Qatar Strengthen Military Ties with Cooperation Agreement

During the official visit of Qatar's Emir, Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani, to Athens, Greece and Qatar have taken a significant step towards enhancing their military cooperation. Minister of National Defence Nikos Dendias announced the signing of a Military Cooperation Agreement between the Ministry of National Defence of Greece and the Ministry of Defence of Qatar.

The agreement, signed amidst diplomatic discussions and bilateral meetings, signifies a deepening of the relationship between the two nations. It aims to bolster collaboration in various areas of defense, including joint training exercises, intelligence sharing, and defense technology exchange.

Minister Dendias emphasised the importance of this agreement in strengthening regional security and stability. He expressed optimism about the prospects of closer military cooperation between Greece and Qatar, highlighting the shared commitment to ensuring peace and security in the region.

The signing of the Military Cooperation Agreement underscores the growing strategic partnership between Greece and Qatar, marking a significant milestone in their bilateral relations.

(Source: Amna)

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