Foreign Minister Gerapetritis: Greece Aspires to Bridge North-South, East-West at the UN

Greek Foreign Affairs Minister George Gerapetritis emphasized Greece's potential to serve as a bridge between North-South and East-West in the United Nations during an address at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAF) in New York on Tuesday.

Gerapetritis highlighted Greece's commitment to International Law as a foundation for global peace and progress. He outlined Greece's priorities if it secures a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council, with the vote scheduled for Thursday, June 6.

In his speech, Gerapetritis emphasized Greece's role in addressing global challenges through the principles of Dialogue, Diplomacy, and Democracy, encapsulated in the motto of 3Ds. "We truly must reexamine the whole idea of a peaceful resolution of differences, which is in reality enshrined in the UN Charter. We are very willing to develop a new idea on the compliance to International Law, and to exert some pressure on the United Nations. It is true that the United Nations and other international organizations basically had to deal with several concurrent crises," he stated.

Acknowledging the difficulties posed by global issues such as wars and climate change, Gerapetritis expressed Greece's readiness to take on the demanding role if elected to the Security Council.

He also noted Greece's strategic geographical position at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, and its history within the conflict-ridden Balkan peninsula. "I believe it is important for a country like Greece to try and become a bridge for many nations, many countries. Our hope, if elected to the Security Council, is that we become the synthesis of the South and North, of the West and the East. We can do it, because Greece has the privilege of speaking with all its neighboring nations," he concluded.

(Source: Amna)

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