Pew Survey Reveals Greek Discontent Ahead of European Parliament Elections

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A recent survey conducted by the Pew Research Center has revealed that Greece has the highest percentage of adults holding a negative opinion of the European Union among the countries surveyed.

Fifty-three per cent of Greek adults express unfavourable views towards the EU. This finding comes just before the European Parliament elections, indicating significant discontent within the Greek population.

Pew Survey Reveals Greek Discontent Ahead of European Parliament Elections 3

Conversely, the survey indicates a generally favourable view of the EU across nine member countries, with a median of 63 per cent expressing positive sentiments towards the bloc.

Interestingly, the survey highlights a trend where individuals identifying as left-wing are more likely to have favourable opinions of the EU compared to those on the right. However, Greece stands out as an exception to this trend. In Greece, individuals on the right are more likely to hold positive views of the EU (56 per cent) compared to those on the left (31 per cent).

These findings shed light on the complex dynamics shaping public perception of the EU, particularly in a time of political flux and economic challenges within member states.

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