Athens Ranks Among Europe's Sunniest Cities, Study Reveals

Athens sun

Athens has been named one of the sunniest cities in Europe, boasting an average of 262.2 hours of sun per month, according to a study by holiday rental portal Holidu.

The platform analysed data from World Weather Online to identify the top sun-soaked destinations across Europe, offering a valuable guide for summer travellers seeking plenty of sunshine.

Greece's capital city ranks among the top 10 sunniest cities in Europe, celebrated not only for its sunny climate but also for its stunning landscapes, rich history, and delicious cuisine. Athens has also gained international acclaim as the 16th most inspiring cultural city globally.

Spain dominates the list of sunniest European cities, with Malaga taking the top spot, offering an average of 280.2 hours of sunshine each month. Alicante and Murcia follow closely, with 280 and 277.7 hours of sun per month, respectively. Other sunny destinations include Catania in Italy, Marseille in France, and several other Spanish cities such as Seville, Cordoba, Madrid, and Zaragoza.

Holidu's study considered European cities with populations exceeding 300,000 inhabitants, analysing average sunshine hours from 2009 to 2024.

Read more: Athens Summer

(Source: GTP)

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