Incidents outside the Pyrgos Courthouse: Angry relatives of the 11-year-old went to lynch the murderer

Incidents Outside the Pyrgos Courthouse: Angry Relatives Attempt to Attack 11-Year-Old's Murderer

Tensions flared outside the Pyrgos Courthouse earlier today during the transfer of the man accused of murdering an 11-year-old girl.

As reported by ERT, relatives of the victim, 11-year-old Vasiliki, gathered outside the courthouse, clutching her photo. When the police car carrying the 37-year-old suspect arrived, the relatives surrounded the vehicle in a fury.

Police officers attempted to de-escalate the situation, but the grieving relatives, overcome with anger, clashed with the officers.

"Why did he do this to her? He has children of his own!" cried one of Vasiliki's relatives. "If there is any justice, he should pay with the same currency. Lock him up and throw away the key!"

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