Greece Rejects Report of Coast Guard Brutality Against Migrants

greek coast guard tilos

Greece strongly refuted a recent BBC report accusing its coast guard of mistreating migrants attempting to reach its shores. The report claimed these actions caused 43 deaths in the Aegean Sea between 2020 and 2023.

The BBC report cited interviews with migrants and previous reports from media outlets, charities, and the Turkish coast guard. These sources allege violent actions, including throwing migrants into the water.

Greek authorities, however, maintain there is no evidence to support these claims. They insist every complaint is investigated and the findings made public.

This incident highlights the ongoing tension surrounding migration in the region. Greece is a popular entry point for migrants seeking entry into Europe. This often leads to friction with neighbouring Turkey, with both sides accusing each other of mishandling migrants.

Human rights groups accuse Greece of illegally pushing back migrants towards Turkey, preventing them from seeking asylum. Greece vehemently denies these allegations, claiming their coast guard has rescued countless migrants from perilous situations.

The BBC report included specific examples, such as a Cameroonian man claiming to be thrown overboard by masked men and a Syrian man who alleges his group was abandoned in life rafts after being intercepted by the Greek coast guard.

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