Greece to Issue Fines to 500,000 Uninsured Vehicle Owners

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Greece's Ministry of Finance is preparing to fine the owners of 500,000 vehicles found to be in circulation without insurance. Additionally, the government has introduced steep fines for a range of other vehicle-related violations.

The new legislative provisions will come into effect 20 days after publication in the Greek Government's Gazette, which is expected shortly. This means vehicle owners must address any pending issues before this deadline to avoid penalties.

The Fines:

  • Uninsured passenger vehicles: 500 euros fine
  • Uninsured motorcycles: 250 euros fine
  • Uninsured buses and public-use trucks: 1,000 euros fine
  • Unpaid road taxes: Fines in addition to insurance violations

To promote compliance, the Ministry has introduced an incentive scheme. If owners comply with insurance obligations within 10 working days of receiving the penalty notice or appeal rejection, the related fines will be canceled.

After a violation is detected, a new digital check will be conducted within 3-12 months. If the owner still does not comply, the vehicle's registration and license plates will be revoked and can only be returned upon proof of insurance, non-delinquency of road taxes, and fine payment.

Fines for Illegal Vehicle Use:

  • Using a decommissioned or deregistered vehicle: 10,000 euros fine plus road taxes for the year of detection
  • Parking a decommissioned vehicle in an unapproved location: 10,000 euros fine, road taxes, and other related fines
  • Repeat violations: Fines tripled and license revoked for 3 years
  • Vehicles over 40 years old: Automatic decommissioning if owner does not update status within 3 months or if belonging to a deceased person with 15 years of non-compliance

The government is determined to tackle the persistent issue of uninsured and illegally used vehicles in Greece through these new enforcement measures.

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