Arson Suspected as Wildfires Rage, Search Continues for Missing Tourists

Fires in Greece

ATHENS, GREECE - Greece is battling a dual crisis as wildfires fueled by extreme heat threaten the capital, Athens, while search efforts continue for missing tourists who vanished during the scorching heatwave.

Authorities suspect arson may be behind the wildfires, adding another layer of complexity to the situation. Firefighters are stretched thin, battling new blazes erupting at an alarming rate "almost every ten minutes", according to a spokesperson.

The relentless heat has claimed lives. A recent discovery of an American tourist deceased on Mathraki Island brings the grim death toll to five in recent weeks. Search and rescue teams are racing against time to locate two French women and a retired American officer who vanished after venturing on hikes on separate Cyclades islands.

Temperatures soared above 40°C (104°F) earlier this month, coinciding with the peak tourist season. Officials desperately urge caution, warning of the severe dangers of venturing outside during the extreme heat.

This unprecedented crisis underscores the devastating impact of extreme weather events and the importance of responsible tourism practices for visitors to Greece during this challenging time.

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