Volunteers Attacked in Parnitha over 50-Euro Hashish Deal

During the early morning hours of May 25, individuals traveling in two vehicles - approximately 5 to 6 people - approached the 2 volunteers and began discussing with them, without any incident occurring.

Subsequently, this group of 5 to 6 people returned and viciously assaulted the 2 volunteers, beating and stabbing them.

The sequence of events puzzled the police, who proceeded to monitor telephone confidentiality and monitor video footage from cameras within a 20 km radius of the incident.

The cause of the violent Incident

The police investigation revealed that the brutal beating of the two volunteers in the forested area of Fyli, at the foothills of Mount Parnitha, was allegedly related to a cannabis transaction worth a mere 50 euros.

Five young suspects were arrested as the perpetrators of this shocking attack.

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