Yacht Crew Denies Involvement in Hydra Wildfire, Faces Prosecutor

Athens, Greece - The thirteen crew members of the yacht Persefoni I appeared before a Piraeus court prosecutor on Sunday, following their arrest in connection with a wildfire on Hydra island. Authorities allege the fire, which scorched 300 hectares (740 acres) of forest, was ignited by fireworks launched from the vessel on Friday night.

The crew members, who are facing potential charges of felony arson and ecological destruction, deny any involvement in the incident. If found guilty, they could face up to 20 years in prison and hefty fines.

The Persefoni I, chartered by 17 individuals from Kazakhstan, has been temporarily confiscated as part of the ongoing investigation.

Greek Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, Vassilis Kikilias, confirmed the fire's impact on the island's forestland during an interview with OPEN channel.

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