Greek Defence Minister Proposes F35s and Constellation Frigates to Parliament

Today, Minister of National Defence Nikos Dendias presented two pivotal initiatives to the Parliamentary Committee on Armaments, underscoring Greece's strategic priorities for the coming decade.

Firstly, Minister Dendias recommended the acquisition of 20 F35 aircraft, renowned as the world's most advanced fighters, during a session with the committee. Emphasising the transformative impact on Greece's Air Force capabilities, Dendias highlighted the F35s' role in bolstering national defense against potential threats from any direction.

"Investing in these cutting-edge aircraft will significantly enhance our ability to deter aggression," remarked Minister Dendias to reporters following the committee meeting.

Secondly, Minister Dendias proposed an exploration into Greece's participation in the Constellation frigates program, a new generation of naval vessels developed by the United States Navy. This move marks a pivotal step towards modernizing Greece's naval forces, potentially integrating advanced capabilities into the fleet.

"The Constellation frigate represents a crucial addition to our naval arsenal, following the Belhara frigates, and aligns with our strategic vision for the 21st century maritime operations," Minister Dendias added.

Reflecting on the committee's discussions, Minister Dendias expressed satisfaction with the level of consensus achieved on these critical defence initiatives.

The proposals, part of Greece's strategic Agenda 2030, are poised to shape the nation's defence capabilities for years to come, pending parliamentary approval.

Read more: Greek Defence Force 

(Source: Amna)

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