Greek PM Mitsotakis Calls for Enhanced EU Defense Capabilities and Industry Investment

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis emphasized the unquestionable need to upgrade the European Union's defence capabilities during Thursday's European Council discussion on European defence strategy and industry, according to sources.

Mitsotakis underscored that Europe's critical juncture requires increased efforts in this sector, including the development and funding of the European defence industry to reduce dependence on third parties. "Anything less would send the wrong message," he stressed.

The PM was also expected to address the joint proposal he had submitted with Donald Tusk in a letter to the President of the European Commission, advocating for the creation of a joint European defence project financed with European funds.

Additionally, the European Council was slated to discuss the appointments for the European Council and European Commission presidencies and the position of High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs.

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