Hydra: The "Golden" Yacht Elite from Kazakhstan That Nearly Set the Island Ablaze

The entire elite of Kazakhstan was aboard the luxury yacht "Persephone," which nearly set Hydra ablaze with its fireworks display. On board was not only tycoon Daniyar Abulgazin, but also bankers and other prominent figures from the Asian nation.

While the yacht's crew claims in their testimonies to have no involvement with the fire, questions remain about why the passengers were released and allowed to return to their home country.

MEGA reports that the passengers included powerful oligarchs from Kazakhstan connected to former President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Specifically, the ship’s guests reportedly included seven Kazakhs, among them Daniyar Abulgazin, one of the wealthiest individuals in Kazakhstan. According to Public Eye, the 55-year-old is a close confidante of Timur Kulibayev and began his career as a student at the Felix Derzhinsky Higher School of the USSR KGB in Moscow, graduating in 1991.

The Soviet Union collapsed that same year, leaving young Abulgazin briefly unemployed. However, he quickly rose through the ranks of the financial and business world. While his highest position in government was Deputy Minister of Economy, Abulgazin preferred the greater influence and profits found within parastatal companies.

Timur Kulibayev likely met Daniyar Abulgazin at the state-owned Kazakh Oil company in 2002, and the two have been close allies ever since. Abulgazin, whose personal fortune is estimated at over $400 million, offered President Nazarbayev’s son-in-law, Timur Kulibayev, unwavering loyalty and invaluable experience.

Completing this trio of powerful oligarchs is Dias Suleimenov, Abulgazin’s son-in-law, who quickly joined their ranks.

Kiar.center writes that correspondence between Abulgazin and Suleimenov regarding oil dealings, unfortunately for the company, was leaked online and dubbed the "Kazaworld Leaks.”

Timur Kulibayev was appointed head of the National Wealth Fund, followed by Abulgazin, who became the chief executive of the oil and gas sector, including Kazakhstan's state-owned giant, KazMunayGas. Both men acted in the interests of Vitol while simultaneously maintaining their own corporate holdings.

The Organized Crime and Corruption Project (OCCRP) reports that Abulgazin’s son and wife, Aidan Suleimenova — who heads one of Kazakhstan’s largest charities — were also on board.

Other guests reportedly included:

  • Umut Shayakhmetova, CEO of Halyk Bank, Kazakhstan’s largest financial institution, and her husband, Beimbet Shayakhmetov, former top executive at KMG International NV, the national oil company, along with their daughter.

Both Abulgazin and Shayakhmetova have close ties to businessman Timur Kulibayev, son-in-law of former President Nursultan Nazarbayev, who ruled Kazakhstan for 30 years before stepping down in 2019.

The yacht's crew maintains that at the time of the fire, these high-profile passengers were engaged in a casual ball game and that no party was taking place. They stated that the passengers had dined earlier in Hydra. Initial reports that they presented tickets to authorities have been debunked, as they departed on a private plane.

Source Parapolitika Newsroom

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