The Ancient Greeks and Kashmir

Menander Kashmir Ancient Greeks

Archaeology is not so much allied with inventions as it is more concerned with discovering historical evidence in different forms, including artefacts, paintings, ruins, and even quantitative data, among other aspects, so as to provide the background for making conjectures and refuting them.

The debate among Indian historians over a certain disputed historical structure proves this point quite adequately. Archaeology in history, thus, involves extracting the truth from the past by carefully discovering and analysing historical data.

Archaeological evidence fairly attests to the existence of modern human life in Kashmir, which dates back to around 18,000 years ago.

Excessive rains forced people to move out, and it was only after the climatic conditions improved around 5,000 BC that Kashmir became habitable, thus attracting the Neolithic people of neighbouring territories to settle there.

It is, therefore, not surprising that the Neolithic culture began in Kashmirat around 2,920 BC, as it has a striking affinity with the Neolithic cultures of China, Russia, Iran, West Asia, and Central Asia.

Around 1,500 BC, another wave of immigration and settlements was substantiated by the presence of a new culture alongside the old one. The new culture is said to include Megaliths, cist graves, iron, rubble structures, and rice and millet cultivation.

In 516 BC, Darius, the Achaemenian ruler of Iran, extended his empire up to India by annexing Sind, Gandhara.

As we have learnt from Greek sources, Kashmir was part of Gandhara at the time of the Iranian invasion, and Iranians ruled over these territories until Alexander‘s invasion of India in 326 BC.

So, Achamenian rule continued in Kashmir for about 200 years, paving the way for huge Iranian influence.

It is interesting to know that Kashmiri masses became familiar with money currency for the first time during this period, which is evident from the Kashmiri word used for money, Diyar.

While Diyar is the Kashmiri version of Greek (Dinarus), during the Kushan period, Kashmir became the great Centre of Buddhism, so much so that it attracted Kanishka to convene the Fourth World Buddhist Council in Kashmir.

According to the famous Chinese traveller Hieun Tsang, hundreds of Buddhist monks participated.

The architectural remains of Kashmir are perhaps the most remarkable of India's existing monuments, as they exhibit undoubted traces of the influence of Grecian art.

Some narrative history has survived for most of the Hellenistic world, at least of the kings and the wars; this is lacking for India. The main Greco-Roman source on the Indo-Greeks is Justin, who wrote an anthology drawn from the Roman historian Pompeii’s Trogus, who in turn wrote from Greek sources at the time of Augustus Caesar.

Whereas Justin tells the part of Trogus’ history, he finds it particularly interesting and connects them with short and simplified summaries of the rest of the material.

In the process, he has left 85% to 90% of Trogus out, and his summaries are held together by phrases.

He has occasionally made provable mistakes as Develin, the recent annotator of Justin.

In addition, the geographer Strabo mentions India a few times in the course of his long dispute with Eratosthenes about the shape of Eurasia.

Most of these are purely geographical claims, but he does mention that he does not believe that Menander and Demetrius, son of Euthydemus, conquered more tribes than Alexander the Great.

Indian literary sources, ranging from the Milinda Panha, recount a dialogue between Buddhist sage Nagasena and King Menander I (155-130 B.C.)—one of the few Indo-Greek kings mentioned in both Greco-Roman and Indian sources.

There is also significant archaeological evidence, including some epigraphic evidence, for the Indo-Greek kings, such as the mention of the "Yavana" embassy of king Antialcidas on the Heliodorus pillar in Vidisha, in addition to the main Archaeological evidence in the Coins.


There is mention of two famous Greek kings, one is Demetrius and the other is Menander.

Demetrius has been described as the king of the empire, which included southern parts of Kashmir.

Menander is recorded to have held a discussion with the Buddhist Monk at a place only 12 km from Srinagar. Milndaphana records a discussion with Nagasena, the Buddhist saint. The place where the discussion was held can be identified as Harwan, where the fourth Buddhist council was held.

The Greeks headed an advanced civilization in the ancient world, developed a high society, and were grand masters of education and technology. They were contemporaries to the Romans and influenced their art and culture.

They also introduced currency in their respective domains and devised coinages that, after thousands of years, continued to surprise the mint masters.

The Greeks introduced bi-metallic coinage in silver and copper, named their coins Drachma, and struck them according to an attic weight standard.

It was based on the attic currency weighing just under 17 grams as tetradrachm with its various fractions. It later came to be known as (Dirham) in personalised form.

The Greeks continued with their numismatic type in their Bactrian regions. Diodotus, the independent king of Bactria, also adopted the Hellenistic types and was the first ruler to introduce inscribed coins to the soil of the subcontinent.

Their coins mostly depict half portraits of their kings in bust shapes on the obverse and a series of Grecian deities on the reverse. Sooner, when their currency came in contact with the Indian currency of (Panch Marka), it adopted various Indian features.

Firstly, they had to accommodate the attics coinage to the currency needs of India, so they introduced a lightweight standard keeping (Drachma), less than 3 grams, which was only a few grains more than (PanchMarka) coins Prevalent in Indian regions

Secondly, they introduced (Prakrit) language on the reverse face of the coin, besides the Greeks, which they have been displaying on the obverse face of their coins.

Besides their own religious icons, they displayed a few Indian deities and sacred animals and introduced the Prakrit script and local deities to localise these coins and establish their own political and cultural links in the subcontinent.

Among the Greek kings whose coins have been found in Kashmir are Philip II and Alexander. Bactrian Greek Diodotus and Euthydemus are represented by their two silver coins.

Numismatic traditions introduced and promoted by these Greek princes in the northwestern part of India and Pakistan had a very deep influence on the successive coinage of these regions.

A systematic and advanced system of coinage was developed in the region, and the Numismatic links spread over a vast empire, which provided the basis for the flourishing of trade and commerce. A Stage was reached when these regions developed trade relations with the Roman Empire.

Coin inscriptions and motifs also helped people understand one another's cultural and religious beliefs. The imprints of Greek numismatics continued for a long time in the subcontinents and had a more deep influence on Kashmir coinage, where it stayed until the Kushan period (4th century A.D).

By Syed Rooh Fatima for Kashmir Images.

READ MORE: From Egypt to India: The cities founded by Alexander the Great.

Guest Contributor

This piece was written for Greek City Times by a Guest Contributor

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